This Week at Basis — 2/23/21

Basis Esports
4 min readFeb 23, 2021

This week at Basis, we are creating something new.

Long before penning this blog post, we began work on bringing to life a project that will help take the esports industry to new heights. Everyone on the team loves the scene. When we aren’t working on the project, we are talking about how much TSM needs to adapt to SwordArt’s playstyle or they’ll get dumpstered at Worlds again. It’s our love for esports that inspired us to create something that would help the community.

Enter Basis Esports.

Basis started off as an idea where we would open up local venues and host tournaments for esports players across the country. We wanted to solve the problem of people not being able to attend events and participate due to their location being too far away. We realized really quickly that 1) there are a lot of great tournament hosting platforms being built and 2) opening local venues across the country requires a significant amount of money.

Back to the drawing board.

As part of trying to discover what people in the esports community were missing and what they wanted (needed), we created a survey and reached out across several esports related subreddits asking for feedback. Honestly, we were shocked at the responses we received from the communities. The amount of participation gave us a great sample to review and plot a new course.

Reading through the survey responses, two distinct responses were appearing very frequently. Players feel like they have no chance to ever participate at a high level in esports because they live too far from events and they don’t know anyone near them that wants to play, whether it’s through school or other friend groups.


What if we created a platform that allowed players to sign up and connect with colleges and professional organizations. Instead of being an anonymous username on a leaderboard, we will give players the chance to put a face and a voice to their stats. At the same time, the platform will significantly decrease the time and effort colleges and professional organizations have to spend to find the top talent. Wow. Where was this when I was playing Halo 2?

We are beyond excited to launch this platform to the world and get feedback from you the user. Every single day we are making progress on the app. There have been some headaches but everytime we enter ‘npm start’ in the terminal, the dream becomes closer to reality. We cannot wait for you see to it!

Now that I’ve occupied a single Google Doc page of your time, I want to introduce you to the team behind Basis:

Josh: Hi, I’m Josh! Thanks for reading the stream of consciousness above. I was trying to get a lot of feelings across about this project and I hope you were able to take away how passionate I am about this project and esports in general. My role in the project is overall strategy and business development, with a side of coding (much to the chagrin of our other devs). I’m really looking forward to talking to you all as we launch this project and building something that transforms this community!

Conner: Hello all, I’m Conner! I’m as useful as a gold paperweight on the coding side but am currently handling business development and financials with Josh. I’ve enjoyed video games my entire life and could not be more excited for the growth eSports has experienced and will experience in the future.

Puda: Hi, I’m Puda, one of the software developers that is an avid gamer as well. I’ve always wanted to combine both of my passions, programming and gaming. I am very excited to be working on this project and hope I can help you all with your eSports growth.

Federico: Hi, I’m Federico a Uruguayan software engineer that loves esports and sports along with engineering. I spend a lot of time playing games and studying how to improve on each of them, so I’m really excited to help others do the same and share my findings with you all through our upcoming great ideas! So stay tuned for great news!

Now that you’ve met the team, we are all going to get our noses back to the grindstone and crank out the finishing touches! If you haven’t already, please sign up to get notified for early access as we roll out the beta. Once you sign up, please share with friends, teammates and anyone else that loves competitive video gaming. We will be back every week with an update on progress as we are getting closer to launch so stay tuned!



Basis Esports

Connecting players and teams across esports.